About us

The "social" social network dedicated to global social change iamU.com connects you to others who share similar interests. We let you create your own communities making it easy to find people who like what you like, so you can discover more about your favorite things While you¹re sharing your passion, you¹re also being exposed to incredible content. iamUwas designed to be content driven‹so you can share ideas, opinions, or questions about whatever you¹re into. It¹s like getting an instant blog where you can highlight your skills and love for your community through videos, photos, links, events, and much more.

iamU.com will change the concept of what a real social network can do. Our innovative "social" social network dedicates a portion of annual revenue to global social and environmental causes. We encourage all of our members to apply to the iamU Community Advisory Board for the chance to implement suggestions and shape the future of your iamU.com network.

At iamU, we're all about the power of communities. That is the premise we are built upon. We want to help you exchange knowledge and find the shared-interest companions you've been searching for. Plan and organize with people who care about the things you care about. iamU¹s creative and fun web experience will have you logging on several times a day.

Our guiding mission is to be a social network that actually benefits society. When you join iamU, you're joining a cause. iamU.com gives you a voice. Join the conversation. Sign up today and begin connecting with people who are just like you‹whether you¹re a foodie, a pop culture enthusiast, or have a totally obscure hobby.

iamU.com. We put the "social" back in social network.

The "social" social network dedicated to global social change

iamU.com connects you to others who share similar interests. We let you create your own communities making it easy to find people who like what you like, so you can discover more about your favorite things.

While you¹re sharing your passion, you¹re also being exposed to incredible content. iamU was designed to be content driven‹so you can share ideas, opinions, or questions about whatever you¹re into. It¹s like getting an instant blog where you can highlight your skills and love for your community through videos, photos, links, events, and much more.

iamU.com will change the concept of what a real social network can do. Our innovative "social" social network dedicates a portion of annual revenue to global social and environmental causes. We encourage all of our members to apply to the iamU Community Advisory Board for the chance to implement suggestions and shape the future of your iamU.com network.


At iamU, we're all about the power of communities. That is the premise we are built upon. We want to help you exchange knowledge and find the shared-interest companions you've been searching for. Plan and organize with people who care about the things you care about. iamU¹s creative and fun web experience will have you logging on several times a day.

Our guiding mission is to be a social network that actually benefits society. When you join iamU, you're joining a cause. iamU.com gives you a voice. Join the conversation. Sign up today and begin connecting with people who are just like you‹whether you¹re a foodie, a pop culture enthusiast, or have a totally obscure hobby.

iamU.com. We put the "social" back in social network.